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100 Days of Code Day 1 -5

Day 5

You might be wondering what happened to day 1-4, I’ll tell you.

Day 1 - Install gatsby default locally, change some text

Day 2 - Install gh-pages, deploy to github pages, life is good!

Day 3 - Lol wut? Gatsby won’t run develop anymore

Day 4 - Okay, so turns out running gh-pages builds everything into /root and just really mucks things up from a development standpoint, but considering the idea is to build a static site I’ll work around that for now

Day 5 - Move all development into a feature branch, then build in master and deploy that to gh-pages.

Good morning.

Welcome to my new gatsby site. but why? Read more about it on about.

Eventually I’ll be doing weekly posts about front end development, but for now I’m going to have to be happy with a single page.